Dinosaur Facts


Look at this bloke.  His tail is a club.  How cool is that!?
The predecessor to modern blacksmiths, they used their tails to forge mighty weapons, which they couldn't use due to their lack of opposable thumbs.  How did they heat the metal?  Dunno, probably dragons or volcanoes or something.


Look at this guy.  How many teeth does he have?  Many!
Basically an angry dolphin.  They used sonar not only to locate their prey, but also shout hateful words at them from afar, demoralising them and making them easier to catch.  Unfortunately their constant anger caused them large amounts of stress, making them prone to health issues such as heart disease, stomach ulcers, and extinction.


Look at this chap.  What's his deal?  Couldn't tell ya.
Nobody really knows why they have wings on their back legs, but we do know that they were constantly made fun of for it by other dinosaurs.  There are even some reports of other dinosaurs grabbing their tails and using them as kites.


Look at this geezer.  Precursor to modern giraffes?  Probably.
At 35 metres in length, this was the largest dinosaur.  In fact, most experts agree that this is too big, and that it didn't really need to be so large.  Such blatant mass hoarding behaviour is frowned upon in the scientific community, so this sauropod has a low approval rating, and is unlikely to be re-elected.


Look at these fellas.  Tricked!  It's the same thing twice!
Originally believed to be two different dinosaurs, it was later discovered that it is the same species in land-mode and sea-mode.  There is a theoretical air-mode ultimate form, but no fossils have been found, since obviously it is invincible in this state.  Believed to be a precursor to modern transformers.


Look at this laddy.  Is it a bird or a dinosaur?  Yes!
An unholy crossbreed of dinosaur and bird, rejected by both sides, this creature harbours a deep resentment for all other life.  Used forbidden rituals to summon meteors and bring about the end times.  Not actually extinct, just flying high up enough that you can't see them.


Look at this gent.  His mouth is webbed.  That's pretty weird.
It was originally believed that it had power over time itself, until it was realised that the name stemmed from Kronos, not Chronos.  It is now unknown exactly what kind of magical powers it had, but the prevailing theory is that it had absolute control over farming tools.

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